First American Credit Union
Like banks, credit unions make car loans, offer checking, savings accounts, ATM cards, certificates, and so on. So is there a real difference? Yes, and it can be summed up in two words: ownership and purpose.
A credit union is a financial cooperative, owned entirely by its members. Who owns First American Credit Union? Just look around you. Your co-workers, neighbors and relatives who are FACU members, are all co-owners, just as you are. Banks, on the other hand, are tightly-held businesses, each owned by a group of stockholders.
Banks continue to demonstrate that banks' primary concern is profit. The primary purpose of credit unions is to provide low-cost financial services to members. Profits are returned to the membership as higher dividend yields and lower loan rates, and in new services and technologies which enable the credit union to better serve its members.
Although credit unions and banks may appear similar, there are important differences. As a member-owned organization First American Credit Union depends on participation from its members to succeed, so always make your first choice FACU for your financial needs — you'll be glad you did!
Casa Grande Office:
1001 N. Pinal Ave. Casa Grande, AZ 85222
