Arizona Mortgage Relief
Arizona Mortgage Relief
1616 East Indian School Rd., Suite 350,
Phoenix, AZ 85016
Phone: (602) 507-6600
Fax: (602)759-1968
Let Us Help You!
Are you up at night, worrying because your mortgage is going to adjust higher and you will not be able to afford the new payment? Maybe you owe more than your home is worth? Are you unable to get a new loan because of poor credit or tougher lending guidelines? Maybe you are 30, 60 or 90 days past due on your mortgage, or perhaps foreclosure proceedings have already begun! If so, we can help!
Home Protection Program
With our Home Protection Program, we work with your current lender. This is not a new loan! In fact, you do not need to have missed any payments to begin the process of saving your home. In many circumstances your lender may allow us to lower your monthly payment in half by permanently reducing your interest rate as low as 2%- 5% and/or even the amount you owe on the home by 90% of the current market value in an effort to
Arizona Mortgage Relief
Why use Arizona Mortgage Relief?
Many have attempted to modify mortgage themselves, however they are in uncharted waters. The first challenge is, when do you have time to call? Do you know what to say when you call? Do you know how to package a request? Do you know what the possibilities are? Could you possibly back yourself into a corner by saying the wrong thing? It was possibly due to the lack of legal representation that may have contributed to your current financial situation, now having you pursue alternatives to modify your current loan. You can contact your lender or bank and see about going into process of loan modification on your own. Keep in mind though your bank is looking out for their own interest and they are going to be negotiating for their best outcome and to mitigate their losses. What usually ends up happening is that lenders will negotiate an agreement that will help them but still leaves you with only a temporary solution. You need legal, professional representation in your situation. Arizona Mortgage Relief and our Attorneys know what it takes!
Members of The National Association of Mortgage Negotiators
assist you in remaining in your home. Again, this is not a new loan so your credit score is not a factor.
